Liver Function Blood Test
The Liver Function Test is a crucial test for assessing the health and efficiency of your liver, an essential organ responsible for vital functions like detoxification, metabolism, and protein synthesis. This test measures important liver markers, including:
Total Protein: Indicates overall protein levels in the blood, reflecting liver function and nutritional status.
Albumin: A protein made by the liver, which helps assess liver function and detect liver disease.
Globulin Total: Helps gauge immune function and liver health.
ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase): High levels may indicate liver, bile duct, or bone disorders.
Gamma GT: Often elevated in liver and bile duct disease, as well as with alcohol use.
AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) & ALT (Alanine Transaminase): Enzymes that indicate liver cell damage when elevated.
Bilirubin: High levels can signal issues like jaundice, indicating liver or bile duct issues.
The Liver Function Test can help diagnose liver diseases, monitor existing conditions, or simply provide peace of mind about your liver's health.